Ranma vs Doom
by: Shadowfire

Once again, I'm writing this before I actually get to post it anywhere...who knows when I will.
I have made my decision on wether or not this'll be a sadfic...but I will not disclose that info
at this time.  So, in the meantime, sit back and enjoy my writing...or else...j/k.  Oh, one 
other thing, I know it's stupid to be writing to an audience even though I don't have one as yet,
so if you are reading this do not bother to point that fact out to me, kapeesh?  Good.  Anyway,
on with the show.

  It was gym class, and Ranma's anger was slowly growing.  So far, Tom had worked the entire
class over, 20 laps around the soccer field and 500 push-ups on their knuckles, not to mention
an addional 10 laps if you collapsed.

  "Enough is enough." thought Ranma bitterly,"I'm gonna put a stop to this right now." 

  Ranma slowly got up, and calmly walked over to Tom, who was shouting orders to a small group
of students who were lagging behind.

  "C'mon ya wimps! Get your asses in gear and put the lead out! I could've done this about 50 times
by now and you're only half done!" he shouted, his voice cold and brutal.

  "Mr. Lewis, I need to talk to you...now." said Ranma, his voice cold and controlled.

  "What do you think you're doing, taking a break? Get back over there and I want 600 situps before the 
end of class, Saotome." said Tom, his voice becoming agitated.

  "No, I won't go.  You can't keep working the class like this, it's inhuman!  We're a bunch of teenage
kids for gods sake, not a bunch of soldiers.  I mean, I can take this...barely...but you can't expect the
same out of all the students."

  As Ranma talked, more and more students stopped doing their exercises and watched what was 
happening.  Some were hoping Ranma could talk some sense into this new teacher...others were
hoping Ranma would beat him into a bloody pulp...the rest didn't care either way as long as it got
them out of doing the exercise.

  "This is MY class to run, Saotome, and you are my student along with everyone else here.  If
you can't take the heat, tough.  Now, for your insubordination, 30 laps around the field, 600 situps
and 300 single handed push-ups by the end of class."

  "No, I won't.  You've worked us too hard, and I for one won't take that kind of crap from anyone."

  "Wanna make an issue of it, kiddo?  I'm not above hitting someone younger than me, and most
deffinately not above pounding insubordinates to bloody pulps." growled Tom, his eyes narrowing.

  "Ha!  I'll wipe the floor with ya, old man.  Just because you're all built up like that doesn't mean I
can't take you down." replied Ranma evenly.

  By now, all the students in the gym class were in a circle surrounding the two, listening to what was
going on, getting ever more excited with each word being passed.  No one doubted that Ranma would
win the fight, should there be one...and they ALL hoped there would be one, just so this asshole 
teacher would get his just desserts.

  "Fine, meet me in the gym after school, I'll set up a combat ring there....and I'll make sure it has extra
padding so that you don't get hurt when I ground your fucking head into the floor!"

  "The only one who's gonna get hurt is you pal."

  "Ha! We'll see Saotome, we'll see."

  And with that, the class ended and everyone went indoors, their minds racing about the event to come.


 By Noon hour the news was all over the school...Ranma's going to take on the new teacher! Come
see the new teachers' ass get kicked!  Nabiki had already started to take bets on the fight, with everyone
betting on Ranma.  Ranma was surrounded by his fellow students, congradulating him on his up
coming victory, and also thanking him for getting them out of the exercises.  Akane, however, was off
to the gym to look into a few things.

  "That dumb Ranma, his head's swollen so big that I'm surprised he hasn't floated through the roof!" she
thought as she walked up to the gym doors.  When she opened them, she was greeted by a 
shocking sight.  Mr. Lewis had removed his shirt and was doing exercises and practice attacks,
and his muscles flowed through his body, clearly defined against his skin.  However, that wasn't
what shocked Akane.  Tom was punching a steel punching bag, and putting huge dents in it.  
She also saw that it wasn't the first one he had used...there were several smashed up ones lying
around the floor...and some were ripped right in two.  She snuck over to take a quick look at one,
and nearly gasped...they weren't hollow, they were solid. She looked over at Tom again, who was
still hammering away at the punching bag.

  "He must be wearing gloves or something to keep his hands from getting hurt." she thought.

  Akane looked at his hands, and once again had to stifle a gasp.  His hands were bare, and
most deffinately not broken or bleeding, not even a little a bit.  She suddenly felt very afraid, and
quickly ran out of the gym.

  "I've got to warn Ranma, he doesn't know what he's dealing with!" she thought anxiously as she ran
down the halls.  Meanwhile, back in the gym, Tom was staring at the door with a small smirk on his
face...he had known Akane was there the whole time...and he knew just where she was going.

  "Ranma! I have to talk to you!  It's important!" gushed Akane when she got to Ranma.

  "What's up Akane?  Why do you look so pale?  Did Kuno try something again?" asked Ranma with
a look of concern on his face...which only lasted a second.

  "No, baka, it's about Mr. Lewis."

  "Yeah, what about that jackass?"

  "I just saw him, in the gym, working out.  He was using solid steel punching bags, and was breaking
them apart with his bare hands!"

  "Yeah right Akane, and P-chan flies an airplane, too."

  (switch to a skyward view, and we notice a small airplane flying by.  Zoom in on the cockpit and we
see a little black pig with a bandana around its neck at the controls.  Switch back to the caffeteria.)

  "Look Ranma, I'm serious.  This guy could tear you to pieces without even trying."

  "Look Akane, your imagination is getting to you.  I'll be alright, so don't worry."

  "Oooo, I don't even know why I try!  I *was* worried about you, but now I don't care." said Akane
with a huff. Then, turning her back to Ranma, she walked out of the caffeteria with a look of
indignation on her face,  leaving Ranma with a surprised look on *his* face.

"She was worried about me?" he thought, very shocked.

  The rest of the day went quickly, and by the time school was out the gym was already packed
with onlookers.  Tom was already in one corner of the ring, wearing only a pair of blue levis jeans.
Ranma walked into the gym, a smug look on his face as he looked at Tom.  Tom just stood there,
his face cold and unreadable...and suddenly Ranma was very uncomfortable and he didn't know why.
Looking harder he realized what was making him uneasy.

  "This guy has no aura! How's that possible?" he thought, a hint of worry entering his mind. It was
at this moment that Tom spoke.

  "Are you ready to face defeat, Saotome?  And don't worry, we have the school nurse on standby
just in case I rip you apart." he laughed coldly, and then his face went unreadable again. 
This freaked everyone out, and they immediately thought that Tom was insane...but Ranma knew better.

  "He's good," he thought, "real good.  He knows how to intimidate people well...but it ain't working
on me." Ranma just smiled.

  "Oh, and Ranma, don't send your little bitch to spy on me anymore, kapeesh?"


  "Ooo, I'm so scared of a little punk-ass brat!"

  Then, without warning, Tom attacked.  He charged towards Ranma, moving so fast that he was nothing
more than a blur, but Ranma leaped up and over his head,  landing safely on the ground behind him.
  "Ha! You'll have to do better than----" Ranma started to say, but was cut off by the fist that 
smashed into his jaw.  Ranma staggered backwards a few steps, then slowly wiped some blood off
the corner of his mouth.  He looked up at Tom, and his eyes grew hard.

  "You....bastard.  You're gonna pay for that!" Ranma said through clenched teeth.

  "Awwwwe, poor baby got hurt?  Why not go home and cry to mommy, ya fucking wimp!" snarled
Tom as he started to move forward.

  Ranma leaped off the ground, and came hurtling down with a devastating jump kick. Tom reacted
quickly by side stepping, but Ranma had been ready for this and lashed out with his other leg as he 
passed by. Tom's head snapped painfully forward as Ranma's foot connected to the back of his head,
causing him to go sprawling forward, landing painfully on the floor. Ranma landed and turned to face 
him as he pulled himself slowly off the ground.

  "Who's the wimp now, asshole?" taunted Ranma.

  "You little prick, you'll pay for that!" replied Tom, his voice full of venom.

  Tom turned to face Ranma, who was standing there smirking.  As Tom turned around, Ranma's
smirk fadded.  There was such a look of bloodlust on Tom's face that it brought the room to silence...
but that wasn't what scared Ranma...it was the look in his eyes...it had death written all over it.  Akane
saw his eyes too, and became very afraid for Ranma.

  "RANMA! RUN!" she screamed, but it was too late.

  (1)"TAKASUKE TORRUNUKE!" shouted Tom as he charged forward.  His fist lashed out with blinding
speed, and when Ranma tried to block it, it just kept going straight on through, connecting with his 
chest and sending him flying across the gym, through the wall and onto the pavement.  Everyone gasped, 
and Akane ran out to where Ranma lay.  She knelt down beside him and took his hand.  Then she saw
a small river of blood running out from the back of Ranma's head, and the glazed look that was starting
to form in his eyes.

  "SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE, QUICKL!!!" she yelled desperately.

  Meanwhile, Tom just stood there, like he was frozen. 

  "Oh my god, what have I done!?" he thought, suddenly feeling very bad on the inside.  He quickly ran
out to where Ranma was laying and looked down with extreme apprehension and worry.  Then, he spoke
to Akane.

  "There is no need for an ambulance, Ms. Tendo.  I have some medical gear here that'll save him a lot
faster and more effeciently than the primitive medical technology used here." he said calmly, and without
emotion.  He then turned and jogged into the building, leaving Akane with Ranma. Akane just watched
his back as he went, her eyes giving him such an icy glare that it could have frozen fire.  The rest of
the student body, by this time, had run out to see what was going on, and when they saw Ranma lying
on the ground with blood trickling out from his head a low murmur of fear, and hatred, started to shift
through the crowd. 

  Meanwhile,Tom jogged into his office, and grabbed a small box with a medical cross engraved in red
upon its cover.  

  "I hope it's not too late for this." he thought bitterly.  Then, he quickly jogged back, shouting for 
everyone to back away and give him room.  Akane, however, upon seeing the metalic box he was
carrying, started to seeth with anger.  To her, it looked like a simple first aid kit.

  "How's a first aid kit going to help him?" she demanded, a dangerous undertone in her voice.

  "This isn't your average first aid kit...it's called a stimpack, and it'll heal him a lot quicker than your
primitive medicines." replied Tom casually.

  "Primitive?  I'll have you know that Tokyo has some of the finest medical equipment in the world! 
Probably bett---" Akane started to say, anger growing inside of her, but Tom intrrupted.

  "Would you just shut up and let me heal him, for gods sake?" Tom snapped.  He had no time for pushy
bitches, and this one was really getting to him.

  Akane quickly shut her mouth, but her glare spoke volumes about what she thought about being told
to shut up.  Tom payed no heed to her as he opened the stimpack.  He pulled out a syringe that 
contained a bright red substance, and he quickly injected it into Ranma.  

  "That's it, that's your wonderful medicine?  You expect me to believe that a little needly like that is
going to save his---" she started again.  But when her eyes glanced down at Ranma, she gasped.  His
chest was rising and falling normally again, and what were once broken bones appeared to have healed.
And, most noteworthy, the blood flow had ceased altogether.  However, buises the size of fists were
forming all over his arms and face...and Akane almost certainly knew that there would be identicle ones
on his chest.

  "He wasn't hit in those places...how did he get those bruises?" Akane thought, a puzzeled frown
forming on her face.  Then, it struck her like a ton of bricks.

  "He knows the Kachuu Tenshin Amagurikan!  But I didn't even hear or see him use it...that must
mean he can make it go even faster...my god, what kind of monster is he!?" she thought as she cast
a fearful glance at him.

  Meanwhile, Ranma regained conciousness and sat up while rubbing his cheek. 

  "Ugghhh, what happened...I feel like I was run over by three 18-wheelers and a station wagon." he
said. He flinched painfully as one of his hands touched a bruise.

  Akane was overjoyed that he was alright, and gave him a huge hug...much to Ranma's surprise (and
hidden delight).  She suddenly realized what she was doing, then let go hurridly and blushed a deep
shade of crimson.  Tom, knowing from rumors and daily events what these two did to each other, 
just smiled.

  "So, she does feel for him after all...and just won't admit it...this could be fun to watch." he thought.

  Ranma, however, was still in shock and it took him a few seconds to recover...and then he blushed
slightly too.  Deciding to change the subject, he turned to Tom and glared at him. 

  "What WAS that technique you used?  I don't recognize the language you spoke while you used
it.  And how the hell could anything but a ki blast be that strong?" he asked.

  "I can't tell you that, and you better pray you never hear that language again.  Good fight, by the
way...you have...potential." Tom said in a smooth voice.  He then turned sharply and walked back
towards the gym. "Oh, and sorry about punching you through the wall like that...that was a breach of
disipline on my part." he added over his shoulder.

  Ranma just glared after him.  "I gotta know what that was so I can defeat him." he thought.  Then, he
smiled...he knew just the person to ask.

   Cologne was just sitting down to some tea when Ranma came in through the front door with a 
thoughtful look on his face.  He walked over to the table where she was sitting and took the seat 
opposite to her.

 "I need to ask you about something, old ghoul...something important, well, to me anyway." Ranma said
with a thougtful tone in his voice.

  "Yes son in law, how may I be of assistance?" Cologne replied.

  "Well, I was fighting my gym teacher to day, and he used this technique I never heard of before, and
smashed me through the wall.  And another thing that puzzles me are the fist size bruises all over my
upper body...you could see them if the lighting was better in here." 

  "Hmmm...are you sure it wasn't the kachuu tenshin amagurikan?" asked Cologne.

  "It wasn't."

  "I see...what did he say when he initiated the technique?"

  "I think it was Takasuke Torr---" Ranma started to say, but stopped immediatly when Cologne's hand
shot out and covered his mouth, her face had noticibly paled.

  "Do not utter that language in here!  That is the language of evil!" Cologne hissed.   She then removed
her hand from his mouth.

  "Language of evil?" Ranma asked, nervousness creeping into his tone.


  "How do you know this?"

  Cologne sighed. "1000 years ago, a dimensional vortex opened in the mountains near my village.  From
this portal came hundreds of fell demons, more vicious than any we had ever faced.  It took the 
combined might of the Emperor's army and all the other Amazon villages to destroy the demons, and
then it took our greatest magics to seal the portal so that no more demons could issue from it.  
That was some of the language the demons spoke.  Naturally, this is all based on legends I learned
as a young girl, but they are most definately true.  I can translate that sentence you uttered...it was
'Doom fist smash', or something along those lines.  Tell me, did you notice anything else odd about him,
anything that would suggest that he was a demon?"

  "Nothing like that...but he has no aura, none that I could see anyway."

  "Hmmm...son in law, you must keep him under close surveillance...and report any unusual behavior
to me...do NOT engage him in combat again."

  "Okay, I won't.  Thank you for your help." Ranma said before he ran out the door.  Cologne just sat
there for a while, lost in thought.

  "If the demon portal is open again, my village would have sent word to me...there's more going on
here than meets the eye...and I'm not sure that it's good." she thought numbly as she sipped her tea.

  Ranma watched him silently from behind some bushes as he slipped on his motorcycle helmet and
reved his harley's engine.  Tom reved the engine one last time then left the parking lot at a break neck
speed, lifting dust and rocks off the ground behind him.  Ranma quickly lept from roof to roof, following
him as best as he could.  Fortunately, he stopped at red lights, giving Ranma time to catch up.

  "Geez, I hope he doesn't live to much further, I don't think I can keep up very much longer!" Ranma 
thought as he lept from roof to roof.  Fortunately, Tom stopped at a small apartment building and got
off his harley.  He quickly loosened the wheels and seats, and chained it up to a nearby pole.  Ranma
watched him enter the building. 

  "Now...which side of the building does he liv---"Ranma started to think, but noticed that Tom entered
the apartment directely across from him.  He quickly lept from his hiding spot on the roof and landed
soundlessly on Tom's balcony, taking cover behind a small crate that had been left behind by the 
previous occupants of the apartment.

  Tom hung his black leather jacket up on the coat rack in his hallway, and put his house keys in its
pocket.  He was heading to the living room when he heard beeping coming from his dresser.  He
quickly ran over and opened the drawer and pulled out a helmet.  The helmet was metallic grey,
with a gasmask type mouth and nose filter, and tainted glass covering the eyes in a similar fashion
to the way a windshield covers the front of a car.  He quickly snapped the helmet on his head and
started to speak.

  "Helmcom, recieve communication....Flynn, code 7 alpha delta 69, rank lieutenant commander.
Johnny! Geez, what took you so long to contact me?  Bad interference, eh? Hmmm...how's
the war going? That well? What are our casualties...ouch, victory has it's price, I suppose.
Yeah, I know you couldn't find Satan...yeah, I knew...he's in this dimension.  He's moving fast,
he's already captured a supply of arms and munitions...he's even got a tank. Yeah...uh huh...
how soon can you send reinforcements?  Three days!? Can't you speed it up a little? Ah, I see.
Well, get as many of my men together as you can and send them over..uh huh...right.  Talk
to you again soon.  Helmcom, terminate transmission." Tom removed his helmet and put it back
into the drawer.  He was about to turn to go into his kitchen when he heard a cough come from his 
balcony.  He quickly turned around and was surprised to see Ranma standing in the entrance, his arms
folded over his chest.

  "Ok Mr. Lewis," Ranma said with a dark undertone in his voice, "spill it."

Footnotes: 1:  Takasuke Torrunke:  This has NO meaning in real life that I know
                      of, but in this fanfic it's the keyphrase to use the doom fist when he
                      hasn't activated his berserker pack.

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